MemSys Membership Fundraising Software has helped non-profit organizations grow and prosper since 1985. This is our fourth decade serving donor-supported public and religious broadcasting stations. Our latest additions include fully integrated online software: eSolicitations module broadcasts personalized emails, and WebSys creates an unlimited library of online pledge forms (e.g. Donate Now, or scripted versions for a Call Center or Drive Volunteers).
MemSys empowers its users with cost-effective software solutions that support personalized Email appeals, broadcast and web based pledge drives, special appeals including annual giving and additional gifts, automatic gift processing, market research and major giving CRM.
Memsys is a thorough, complete and rather sophisticated membership software program. Not being a technical person I find it to be exhilarating as well as challenging. The team at Memsys has been very kind and professional when I need assistance no matter what the question. They take the time to…
Barbara Lundquist
Former Membership Manager
KTWU-TVI have been working in the MemSys CRM for 15 years. I began my career at WVTF processing daily check deposits and by the end of my first day I was able to easily enter all the donor data, pledge, and payment data and produce a daily register report to…
Brian Black
Digital Philanthropy & Annual Giving Coordinator
WVTFMemsys does exactly what I need, so I can spend less time on data entry and more time connecting with donors. It gives me all the tools I need for successful fundraising. As a bonus, the guys who write the code are the same guys answering your support questions! Their…
Adriana Kelly
Membership Coordinator
KVMRI’ve been very impressed with the support program. They always listen to suggested improvements. It’s really satisfying to see my ideas show up in the next update – new features that make it easier for me to raise more funds and better serve our members.
Erin O’Doherty
former Director of Membership at Wyoming Public Media
Climb WyomingMemSys is a dynamic application. Our training has allowed us the knowledge to think for ourselves with MemSys, which is truly wonderful. This and the good MemSys support team, assure me that we will be successful.
Grey Johnson
former Membership Director
WBGO Jazz 88.3 FMMemSys has made membership life simple and easy. I could also go on for days about how great their support staff is. I can’t/don’t want to remember what life was like before MemSys.
Andrew James
91.3 The Summit WAPS-FMMemSys is just fabulous. The Query feature is intuitive and easy to use. And we really appreciate the consistent support!
Gene Evans
Membership Outreach Manager