We’re proud to introduce the new cloud-based version of MemSys, available as software-as-a-service (SaaS). Features include…
- No software license to purchase, just a pay-as-you-go subscription service, in renewable one-year commitments.
- Access to MemSys Online 24/7, on an highly secure cloud server, running at lightning speed, even over a slow connection.
- Subscription plans from 1 to 10-users including annual support, frequent updates, cloud server management and backups.
- This is not some clunky looking browser app. MemSys Online looks and feels like a clean, efficient Windows app running and printing locally on your desktop.
- Server security is very tight, with access limited to credentialed users who may only run MemSys Online. They don’t see the server’s desktop.
- Please contact us for more information and to see a demonstration.