
The Acquisition module provides tools to acquire donors.  Included are input features, importing capabilities, mailings and analysis reports. Prospect import compares records in a file against the donor database; it saves only non-matched records, flagging them by source for mailings. 

Input Screens

► Search by account, name, spouse name, company, address, phone number or email

► Salutations for preferred form of address, automated in all mailing programs

► Create prospect list numbers to define source of the record 

Acquisition Mailing

► Target record selection by list numbers, number of prior mailings, prior mail dates or entry dates


► Gift Purpose shows which mailings acquired new donors, whereas gifts for any other purpose reveal merge-purge issues working with outside mailing lists

► List Life tracks long-term performance of mailing lists drawn from the same source

► List Performance is an analysis of list results and overall results; revenue, response rate, average gift and Return on Investment (ROI – gross revenue divided by cost)

► Response by Dates tracks gifts from acquisition efforts, received week-by-week, to reveal which lists generate the fastest response

► Response by Locations reveals mailing performance by geographic locations

► Prospects by Zip Codes counts prospects by zip, to learn their geographic concentration


► Prospect Import compares a file of potential donors against the MemSys database; it only saves records not yet in the database

► Import can write a new mail-merge file containing only the non-matches; or it can add them to the database codes as prospects from a specific source

► Either way, it sets you up to send your acquisition appeals only to non-donors

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    Note: Please use your station address. We don't accept request from freemail service providers.

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