Hardware Specifications

Minimum Hardware Specification

File Server (medium sized database of around 20,000 donors):

Minimum Hard Requirements:

  • Processor – Class i5 or i7, 2.5GHz (or equivalent)
  • Memory – 8 GB
  • Network: 100Mbps (Class 5) or 1Gbps network interface
  • Hard Disk – 50GB for MemSys storage purposes

Note: for larger database sizes, additional memory, processor speed/count, and hard disk space is recommended.

Minimum Software Requirements:

  • Operating system: Windows Server (2012R2) or later

Client-Server Database Manager

The MemSys® client-server upgrade is required for all new installations if the shared database is to be located on a server accessed via a local area network.  Client-server technology eliminates workstation file handling and reindexing.  Because only the file server is allowed to open and update the databases, this technology eliminates the chance that a workstation malfunction could cause harm to any of the shared databases.  The client-server upgrade uses Actian Zen / Pervasive SQL (Version 10 or higher) running on the file server and workstations.  If MemSys tables will be accessed across a wide area network, we recommend adding the GoGlobal Thin Client module.

Note: MemSys® and PervasiveSQL® can be installed on more workstations than the license calls for, but only the licensed number of users may run MemSys® at the same time.


Minimum Hardware Requirements:

  • Processor – Class i5 or i7 at 2.5GHz (or equivalent)
  • Memory – 4 GB
  • Display: 17″ recommended, with a resolution of 1024 x 768 or higher
  • Network: 100Bps (Class 5) or 1Gbps network interface

Minimum Software Requirements:

  • Operating System:
    • Windows 10 Professional
    • Windows 11 Professional

Note: These specifications refer to Intel “Pentium®” processors only to establish the general class of performance which is desired.  Any Intel-Compatible processor, such as an AMD processor, is acceptable

If you or your IT people have any questions or concerns about the updated equipment specs, please Contact Us

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    MemSys is just fabulous. The Query feature is intuitive and easy to use. And we really appreciate the consistent support!