It has recently come to our attention that the WebRoot Security Software recent release has caused some difficulty for some sites. The release was only available for about 15 minutes, but it was still distributed to several sites. This is reported to possibly impact up to 30 million customers.
If you are currently using one of the WebRoot security software packages – please refer your IT department to their release today – https://www.webroot.com/us/en/about/press-room/releases/false-positive-issue
1.38;margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;"> Their products include:
SecureAnywhere® AntiVirus
SecureAnywhere® Internet Security Plus
SecureAnywhere® Internet Security Complete
This can have a significant impact on the workstations in your network. Please consult with your local IT department if there are concerns. This is not a MemSys issue, the impact would be on Windows itself.
webroot, windows, memsys, secureanywhere, anti-virus, antivirus, security, software